Directre Audio Router
DIRECTRE is an audio routing utility designed to work as a hub for a live performance using Propellerhead Reason. Directre’s audio switching synchronizes to the tempo of a song. With a press of a button, a channel switch is cued to open or close at the beginning of a measure, beat, or 1/8th note. DIRECTRE can function as either a 1×8 splitter device or as an 8×1 summing bus. In addition to the quantized switch capabilities, the switch can be adjusted to fade in and fade out with a touch of a button.
You can route several drum and loop sources through Directre and with a press of a button, cue up parts to start playing at the beginning of the next measure, or set the Quantize setting to 1/8th notes and start chopping up loops by quickly tapping out cuts on a keyboard.
Directre is also designed to function as the bookends of a parallel effects chain. On one end you have a stereo signal split out to multiple FX, and on the other end, you have a summing bus that mixes the processed signals back to stereo. You can then use the Enable Buttons to quickly switch in/out your favorite creative fx chains, or use a MIDI Keyboard to switch between signal routings.
Available from the Propellerhead Shop
• Eight Channel Summing.
• Eight Channel Audio Split/Distribution.
• Level Controls with +6dB gain.
• Synchronized Audio Muting on Bar, Beat, or 1/8th Note.
• Selectable Crossfade Times
• Adjustable Fade Time from 0ms to 6 seconds.
• Switch CV Outputs that also synchronize to tempo.
• MIDI Playability from a Keyboard or Control Surface.
• Control Voltage Source that Syncs to Tempo.
• Localization support for English, French, German, and Japanese.
Reason Example Files
Directre is designed to work in conjunction with other devices and Rack Extensions. The following list of examples demonstrates a variety real time performance applications you can create:
• Routing a ReDrum through Directre into Mix Channels
• Example of routing Buffre Beat Repeater and FX with Directre
• Key Triggered LFO modulated Filters (Pulveriser) Directre
• Tempo Sync Performance Control and Switching of Buffre audio processing
• Loop Performance Control with Directre and Buffre
• Another Loop Performance Control with Directre and Buffre
• MIDI Key Switch LFO modulated Filters Directre
• Key Switching between Alligator Pattern/Gate Processing
• Switching and Control over Polar Dual Pitch Shifter
• Convert Directre CV out to CV/Gate pair
• Synth Switching/Cutting with Directre
• Audio Track control via Directre Audio Router
• Quantized triggering of Kong Pads
• REX Switcher Combi Loop Content courtesy of Nine Volt Audio
Operation Manual
Documentation is available from the following link:

Version 1.0.1 PDF Download
Rack Extension Support is available via email for registered Reason 6.5 users. Contact information is available in the following Reason document. Open the document and click on the “Show Info” button.