The Neoverse
Sunday, September 18th, 2005 | 7:15 am and filed in Reason, Friends.

After way too much time, I finally had the opportunity to meet Josh Mobley aka Neoverse. Josh has been in LA all summer working on the soundtrack for the show WANTED on TNT. It was a last minute deal where I had a loaner car for the weekend while my baby was in the shop, so I drove the 300 miles down to LA to meet up with him.
We hung out at the Studio where he’s working and he showed me some of his Pro Tools sessions for the show. The most impressive part was when he started playing out some live drums on Reason Drum Kits through his Kontrol49. He was coming up with some killer breaks - in real time!
Despite spending more time in LA than I ever have, Josh had not really seen the sites. So I suggested we cruise around a bit. We did all of the normal sites like cruising sunset blvd on Saturday Night, Up around Griffith Park, and Muholland, and that’s when I got lost. Eventually we made it to downtown LA, and I was going to take wilshire back to Century City where we were stayin, but tthere were roadbloacks for some film shoot, and the series of turns i had to make sent us into East LA where once again, I was seriously Lost. Josh starteded to get a little worried when we passed a few store with some LAPD cruisers at the scene of some crime. There were also a couple of police choppers overhead with their spotlights seeking out something. Finally we managed to get out of the dogdy area, and took the long way around to Century City (via pasadena then a U-turn then back down through LA). Next time… i’m taking the car with GPS.
I had to drive back up so I put on about 700 miles on that loaner in the span of 30 hours