TouchOSC / OSCulator iPad Templates

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010 | 11:23 am and filed in Gear, Record.


The files are the templates and session used in the video I posted a few weeks ago that demonstrates using the iPad and TouchOSC as a pad controller with Propellerhead Record. Naturally you will need an iPad as well as the TouchOSC app. Please note that this is not a small investment considering that the technology is still in an experimental stage. Your results can vary. The record session included in the archive is configured with remote override mappings, so no further programming is necessary.

Warning: The Delete Clip button is mapped to the “Delete/Backspace Key” and will perform a destructive process to the frontmost application!

The archive includes the ‘Record Pads.touchosc’ file which you can transfer to the iPad using the editor application from

Also included is the ‘RecordRedrumBank.record’ session file with the various controls mapped to the osculator settings.


I recommend reading the documentation on for TouchOSC and OSCulator to gain some familiarity with establishing a network connection between the devices.

Configuring Record MIDI Preferences

Before TouchOSC can communicate through OSCulator to Record, you must add a Keyboard Controller configuration in your preferences. This must be established manually. Like anything in Record, this is pretty easy. Click on the images for a full size view.


1. Launch OSCulator first, and then launch Record.

2. Open the Record Preferences, and select the “Keyboard and Control Surfaces” prefs.

3. Click on the “Add” button, and an editing pane will appear.


The Auto Detect Surfaces feature will not automatically find OSCulator.

4. Under the Manufacturer drop down menu, select “Other”.


5. Under the Model drop down menu, select “MIDI Control Keyboard”. This configuration sends MIDI notes as well as continuous controller (CC) messages, so the MIDI Control Keyboard is the appropriate choice. The MIDI Control Surface does not receive MIDI Notes, and the the MIDI Keyboard option does not receive CC messages.


6. On the MIDI Input menu, select “OSCulator Out.” If OSCulator does not appear in the menu, you might need to start over and make sure you first launch OSCulator before you launch Record. Otherwise, you can establish a network connection between TouchOSC and using the ‘redrum pads exp.oscd’ template, send MIDI messages to Record. Click on the “Find” button and OSCulator Out should appear.


7. Optionally you can name the Control Surface setting. This is recommended if you have multiple alternate controllers. Simply replace the text in the field. In this case I’ve typed in “iPad OSCulator”.

8. Click OK and the editing pane will close.


9. If you are uncertain about using multiple controllers in Reason or Record, I recommend that you make the iPad the master keyboard. Disable the other surfaces, and set the “iPad OSCulator” as your master keyboard.

10. Close the preferences and then proceed by opening the “RecordRedrumBank.record” session file. The control messages are pre-mapped in this session, so you will not need to program any override mappings.

Again, please be aware that the “Delete Clip” button on the TouchOSC interface is a keystroke assignment for the Delete/Backspace key. This will delete anything on the frontmost application. The idea is to add real time deletion while recording a MIDI clip on a sequencer track/lane. For this to work properly, the sequencer lane should be the focus before the delete clip button is pressed. If this proves to be a problem, simply disable (uncheck the box) the routing in the OSCulator mappings where it appears as:

/1/TNDelete Keycode Key 51

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