129th AES in San Francisco
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 | 11:13 am and filed in AES, Reason Users.

The Audio Engineering Society convention returns to San Francisco this week, and Propellerhead and Line6 will be exhibiting Reason 5 and Record 1.5. The exhibits open on Friday, November 5 and run through Sunday, November 7. Gerry Basserman, Ryan Harlin, and Matt Piper will be around so this will be an opportunity for people to get some one-on-one time with the experts! Naturally there’s plenty of other cool stuff to see like microphones, pre-amps, and other sound and studio technology.
The SF Bay Area Reason Users Group has an informal meet up on Saturday at the conference, and we will probably congregate at the Line6 booth. #528.
I’ll be walking the exhibits on Friday and will face|tweet some pics of all the goodies. I’m still on my quest for ribbon mics