ReBirth:: 2 Years Old! - Mod & Song news

May 15th, 1999

Happy 2nd Birthday to ReBirth RB-338. Thanks to Steinberg and Propellerheads for creating this sensational Software!

RBM :: Sync is sorta done, but there’s no space to load it on Computer Controlled for a trial run. If you’re curious and want to get an idea of what it sounds like, download this remix of Peter Gabriel’s “Love to be Loved” that I made with some of the sync samples (especially the gritty break near the end of the track). The remix is pretty rough and was done completely in ReBirth.

MP3 :: ReBirth ReMix Love to Be Loved. Since this remix is not sanctioned by the artist, it wont be online for very long. I’m violating more than a few © laws in doing this. I might make the RBM available, but probably not. You can also hear the track on the shoutcast server.

Quicktime™ :: Cool new trick for you web developers out there. The start loop on my site is actually a variable bit rate mpeg layer III audio file saved in Quicktime Pro Hinted Movie format. Sounds better than ever. This requires Quicktime 4 browser plug in order to hear the loop.

Succubus by Stuart Diamond

May 6th, 1999

MP3 :: I’ve got several new tracks available on now. Some are Created exclusively in ReBirth, but they were mastered with a some final compression. Can of VIBE mp3 version sounds really impressive for a rebirth only track. Also I’ve uploaded one of my personal favorite works, Succubus. This track was composed by a friend of mine in New York, Stuart Diamond, and we produced it at my home studio with another friend, Karen Bentley (violin). It’s pretty amazing what you can still do with a Proteus I module. The Transparent Darkness edit came out quite nicely too. I shortened it quite a bit and added some cool phasing effects. The King’s Jam is a last minute title I came up with for this track created using Logic Audio (actually the track is MIDI only with some sampled loops mixed in).

RBM :: Sync is coming along. I’m in the middle of finishing up a new gui for it. I’m still trying to get back into the swing of mod making in between all these other projects. :: rennacs (previously known as scaNNer, maker of the wobble mod) has started up a new site, and has somehow got me into moderating a technical discussion board for hardware and stuff. The site also has a shoutcast server for WinAMP (no MacOS version available)

JPG :: Check out my new toy:) I’m editing the website from this baby right now.

Old Songs & New Songs

April 24th, 1999

MP3 ::I’ve uploaded some of my non-ReBirth related music to This stuff was created years ago. It’s all synth based however and midi sequenced using a PC with a Roland MPU401 and Voyetra Sequencer Plus Gold–DOS of course. Sheesh things have come a long way, baby. The tracks are Temple and Pilgrimage. I’ve also uploaded an remastered ReBirth 1.5 Track, SO4, with samples done by phead legend, Fredrick Hägglund.

RBS ::New RBS Track for Jonas’s Polyvibe Mod! This thing is funky as hell! Check out the track, Can of Vibe.rbs The PolyVibe Mod can be downloaded from Computer Controlled

JPG ::Some more pix from the Bench added…maintenance is a never ending contest against time. In the end, i’m going to lose.

Into the Nebula Video

April 18th, 1999

MOV ::It’s finally here. Into The Nebula - The Movie . This has been a big project that i’m pretty much sick of after the past months of putting it together and struggling with production descisions across the globe. But it’s done, It’s available for download. Hope everyone took my advice and installed Quicktime 3:). There are two versions available: a 15 frame per second version which should work on most modern systems, and a 30 frame per second version which requires a minimum of a Pentium II or 604e Power PC. The Nebula Video Mix will be available in MP3 format shortly.

MP3 ::I’ve mastered and uploaded a copy of a track i made with Dr. Bruno’s Dark Star mod. Block Out is now available for download in MP3 format. Thanks again to Dr. B for producing such a cool sample set.

Well, now i can get back to mod making…uh maybe…

More Music

April 16th, 1999

RBS&MP3 ::I’ve added some old tracks laying around on my hard drive as well as a new track. As a general rule of thumb, every rbs track i do, i try to incorporate a totally new technique for using rebirth. Some odd little trick to add a touch of originality to the track. This time it’s a nifty little flam/swing combo on the 909. Check out 3pm.rbs for standard rebirth or 3pm.mp3 and a little cover tune EHKSPhyles theme for the peffedit.rbm.

Hardware Repairs

April 12th, 1999

JPG::I’ve added a picture from my workbench. Real World style of mod making:-) Actually it’s just another piece of gear that needs some maintenance. Seems like this stuff is never ending… Click on the JPG link. This unit actually got a bit dirty, so i’ve been washing the motherboards. (don’t ask…it’s a long story).

RBM::Also, I’ve got a new mod in the works. I have a feeling that this will just be a sample only type of mod, or i will pop one of my generic GUI’s on it. I’ve named it Sync. Inspired by -=cIRCLE=- who asked me how to get that hard edge sound out of synths that kind of sound like distorted electric guitars (kind of a overdriven metallic sound). These sounds are created on my sequential circuits Prophet 5, with the two oscillators in “sync” mode–hence the name. I’ll load up a little loop of the mod on my startup page soon.

April Stuff…

April 6th, 1999

Quicktime™:: So what do you think about the little loop on the start up page for this site? Made with the minimod! If you don’t have the Quicktime™ 2.0 plugin for your browser, you probably can’t hear it anyways. You’ll get a message below also saying that you need the plug in. Sorry, windoze people, I’m on a mac, and QT3 is the standard.

Computer Controlled::There were just too many gifs in the menu bar on the side here, so i’ve revised things a bit. Opting for a simpler look for faster page loading. The links to the mod pages are not linked yet. So in the meantime, go to Computer Controlled to check out the latest in the ReBirth Mods. Recently, I joined the collaborative effort known as Elektrisches Descent and worked on their latest RBS release, “Into The Nebula”. If you haven’t already checked it out on the ElekD pages on rotorkopf. I will probably have a remixed version posted here soon on my RBS page-which should still work.

10 Stupid Answers, an Unfinished RBS track, and an unkind photo:: I also answered those 10 Stupid question’s on wing’s pages. I guess trying to be funny just isn’t my thing. Oh well… you can see for yourself:-p For those Non ReBirth Using visitors, I’ve uploaded one of my tracks, Phunxtacy (radio edit) to, but if you already have RB2.0 you can download the RBS track from here and the mod and remix your own version:) It sounds much better than the mp3 version.

Im still trying to finish up some other old mod projects. Hopefully soon! but you never know, It’s tax time here and I’m getting ready to do my ritual last minute taxes

Soft Blue vs. Axiom Peace mod

April 2nd, 1999

Been a while since i’ve updated the pages. Mainly because i’ve been working on another Video Project which should be coming out soon. So keep your eyes peeled :-)

On The mod end, There was one small addition, Soft Blue Vs. Axiom Peace. Someone had asked for a customization of the two and o.i.n.k. and i agreed to put together this custom (no graphics) mod. It’s actually a very interesting combination of sound pallettes.

Some people emailed me about the image of gear I had posted here. Here’s an image with labels.

Hope everyone has a happy Easter!

Minimod Variations

February 18th, 1999

Hello and happy short month to everyone!

I’ve been busy offline rewiring/repairing some gear. There’s nothing like the smell of solder flux to get you going:-)

Anyways minimod is now available in 3 different flavors. minimod(b6).rbm, minimod2.rbm and minimodIIIc.rbm and can be downloaded from the niftywerks ftp server or through computer controlled hotline server. There are some slight differences between b6 and 2. The organ and piano sounds on version 2 are longer and fuller and richer sounding (these are the original minimod samples). b6 has shorter less full samples which don’t clip as badly as version 2. Also, in version 2 the 808 cb now has a string sample. IIIc is a way off tangent with some vocoder loops and some of my favorite juno filter pad sounds and some memorymoog+ samples, and some crazy female vox samples off of a Roland Dance Expansion ROM.

I’ve also been fooling around with some animation stuff (besides knobs). The result is an imagined Alien First Contact with ReBirth. Available in two forms. Real Video 5 or MPEG Video. Click on the First Contact Link for more details.

Factory 188 Webcast

January 23rd, 1999

If you haven’t already checked out Factory 188’s real audio webcast, click on the link :-) The Niftywerks guys have a lot of cool music playing off their uh.. computers and sometimes they even spin live

I’ve been tweeking out the minimod. There are new knobs and some new samples added. Also, i’m trying to figure out a sure fire way to eliminate those sample retrigger pops on the bass organ sounds. For those of you who have gotten earlier versions, your tracks may not work with the latest version. Check out the new screenshot of the mod and/or download minimod(b4) and try it out your self.

Any feedback is welcome, and please send me tracks that you are working on so that i can test out the sound set.

Regulator Mod by jb & Cipher

January 15th, 1999

Happy New Year to Everyone:-)

For anyone who hasn’t seen Regulator Yet, Go to the Computer Controlled Website and Check out this amazing new ReBirth Hack!

Not much else new going on these days, i’ve hit one of those creative brick walls. So I’m just putzing around taking it easy for now. I’ve been experimenting with a new sample set which will probably go into a new RB mod, Modyssey!

In the meantime, I will be finishing up Minimod…only problem is that i haven’t really created a demo song, good enough to include with the final release of Mod.

Hope everyone has a fruitful and creative 1999.

Adaptor Mod update

December 29th, 1998

New Adaptor mod available for ReACID, while we wait for DJLoop to release New Versions of his 1.5 mods:)

Also, Minimod has gone through a revision. Some of the samples where causing phase problems on the earlier version. So this is Minimod beta 3. Some of the Graphics have also been updated. Im still working on a demo song as well. So enjoy this version and please send me feedback on problems that you have or suggestions that i can make to this mod.

Thanks and Have a Happy New Year!