Archive for the 'peff' Category

Minerva 8 Polyphonic Synthesizer

Monday, October 2nd, 2006

If you’re a regular on the Propellerhead Software User Forum, then you may have already downloaded this new ReFill. It’s a specialized combinator dubbed the Minerva-8, a Malström based synthesis system that uses three simultaneous oscillators to simulate an analog synth.
This is nothing new - a lot of people stack Malströms in a combi […]

Summer RML Reason Workshops

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

The Reason workshops in SF at Recombinant Media Labs were another great event; thanks to the support of the Reason User Community in the Bay Area. People came from all parts of Northern California, from SF and the East and North Bay, the Silicon Valley area, the Central Coast (like Me), and even from […]

Reason Workshops: August 19 & 20 in SF

Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

I’ve been busy preparing for a couple of upcoming Reason workshops, to be held at Recombinant Media Labs in San Francisco. This are going to cover the same basic topics as the last time, however, the first class for beginners is going to be a little faster paced since most people who attended were […]

Peak 5

Saturday, July 8th, 2006

Can’t live with it… Can’t live without it
I resisted upgrading my operating system to 10.4.6 for months, mainly because everything was running smoothly under 10.4.5. Once again, I tempted fate and performed the OS update. Naturally, things started running a little odd. Peak 4 was stalling and crashing, which forced my […]

Site 4.2 Beta

Saturday, June 10th, 2006

Changes to the site

Groove Pump Compression System

Monday, May 15th, 2006

Over the weekend, I was up late, chatting with my friend, DJ Kage, and the subject of sidechain compression came up. Actually this was the third time it’s come up in the past 3 weeks, and something triggered the idea of how to create a rhythmic pumping compression side chain configuration. In a […]

Recombinant Labs - Reason Workshops

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

I’m recovering from lecturing at the Reason Workshops this past weekend at the Asphodel Records compound, Recombinant Media Labs in San Francisco. GW Childs and I presented two classes on Reason 3.0 in the amazing surround sound/video performance venue. The sound system is a custom 16.8.2 surround system. There are 8 speakers […]

Vintage RDK v1.1

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

I’ve received a number of comments over the months regarding the confusing patch names for Vintage RDK, and so I’ve updated the refill with a new set located in the subdirectory “Vintage RDK Combis Named”. The original patch set is also included for those who prefer the original naming system.
Once again, these patches require […]

Reason Workshops Registration

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

Recombinant Media Labs now has registration set up for the Reason Workshops on April 29 and April 30.
and if you’re not busy next weekend… the legendary Curtis Roads will be performing at the labs.

RML Reason Workshops April 29 & 30 in SF

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

Here are more details about the upcoming Reason workshops. Registration isn’t quite ready. Either contact me or RML directly at the email/phone number below.
Recombinant Media Labs in San Francisco, CA will be offering two workshops on Propellerhead Software Reason 3.0, presented by G.W. Childs and Kurt Kurasaki. The courses are structured for […]

Computer Music Reason Combinator Tutorial

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006

I just finished up a selection of combinators for an upcoming article in Computer Music Magazine. The article isn’t a tutorial, but more or less a feature that describes several patching configurations, the device chain(s), and explanation of controls. The combi patches include an expanded Matrix Triggered Dr.REX players, a Pattern Filter, a […]

Peff isn’t my Middle Name…

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006

My friend, John Hinson, has developed a new solid state amplification circuit that he has dubbed the “Shoichi” – my Japanese Middle Name. I haven’t heard it yet, but he says that it sound remarkably like tubes. This is a unique honor, and who knows…someday there will be Shoichi Amps driving world class […]