iPhone OSCemote Reason Patches

Thursday, September 11th, 2008 | 1:08 pm and filed in Reason, Tutorials.


There’s an update to Camille Troillard’s OSCulator application which interprets messages from Josh Minor’s OSCemote a bit differently. The 2.6.2 update makes it easier to direct MIDI note data, and i’ve updated my templates to reflect the changes. I’m making these available for people to download and try. Please note that even though the download is free, you will still need to purchase a few things: A Mac running Leopard, A wireless home network, an iPhone or iPod Touch, an iTunes Store account, Reason 4.0, OSCulator 2.6.2, and OSCemote (full version).

FM Multitouch Thor Patches

The patches function only with the OSCemote 2D cursor multitouch interface. The first event received triggers either the note or the sequencer. The vertical axis varies the oscillator pitch on both patches. With the step sequencer patch, the x-axis varies the number of sequence steps, while the MIDI version sends pitch bend of all oscillators from x-axis messages. The second cursor event modulates FM amount and modulator pitch from oscillator 2. The third cursor event modulates FM amount from the FM pair oscillator in slot 3 as well as the carrier to modulator fm amount on the oscillator. A fourth touch event modulates the filter cutoff frequency and delay time. Some events are routed through a Combinator to scale the modulation within usable limits.

In general, using two fingers will generate some very interesting FM Theremin type of results, and a touch event will create a heavy growl which can lead to noise. Releasing your fingers does not reset the FM modulation amounts, but aligning three fingers across the middle of the screen brings the FM amount modulations back to near zero.

Networking OSCemote to Reason

The patches require specific remote override mappings which are saved in the Reason Song Files included in the archive. If you don’t have Reason’s remote mapping established, the patches will probably not function as previously described. To make sure that these mappings are functioning correctly, you should first perform the following procedure:

1. Open one of the folders for either the Multitouch MIDI Note or Multitouch Step Sequence, and open a OSCulator Patch Document.

It’s important to use one of these patches since they have MIDI messages mapped. If you build one from scratch, you must map a note or cc message before Reason can recognize OSCulator as source.

2. Find the IP address of the Reason workstation (System/Network pane)

3. Launch OSCemote on your iPhone and enter the IP address with port 8000

4. Touch the OSCemote interface and monitor the activity in the OSCulator document.

5. Launch Reason (not necessarily the associate RNS files - you need to get the remote midi mapping setup first)

6. Open the Preferences for Keyboards and Control Surfaces.

7. Click on the “Add” button and select “ MIDI Control Keyboard”, and then click on Find. The “Find MIDI Input” Window will appear and wait for a MIDI event from OSCulator

8. Select the OSCemote Multi-Touch interface and touch the screen.

9. “OSCulator Out” should appear in the Find MIDI Input window. Click on “Choose”

10. Open the corresponding RNS file in the Multitouch MIDI Note or Multitouch Step Sequence folder.

If all goes well, the mapping should be functioning properly. If not, then you can consult the image file which indicates the controller mappings associated with the OSCulator files. The Reason song files contain automation data that I recorded to demonstrate the patches. Delete the data if you want to record your own sequence. When recording your own sequence, Note events can be recorded to either the combinator or Thor sequencer lanes, however automation recording should be armed for both tracks.


This archive is just a folder containing the OSCulator Patches and Reason Files. Click the link below to download them:

Download FM-Multitouch Thor.zip

If you have any questions, please respond via comments. Thanks!

2 Responses to “iPhone OSCemote Reason Patches”

  1. blacktiger Says:

    Great stuff! Now I’m really enjoying it: Just like Jimmy Page with the Theremin.
    I like using it with REX loops as well.

  2. davidkain Says:

    Speaking of interesting ways to use OSCulator and reason, there is an article in this month’s Sound on Sound about a couple of musicians who used some clever OSCulating with MAX/MSP, a laptop running Reason, and TWO WIIMOTE CONTROLLERS! The link of the performance they describe in the article is here (tuftsemid.com). It’s not what I’d pop into my iPod, but the concept is just damn cool.
