CycleOn Combinator Refill
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 | 9:04 am and filed in Combinator, ReFill, Record.

CycleOn is a real-time playback system for ReCycle REX loops. This combinator based instrument patch is designed to create live performance and DJ Style effects using Propellerhead Software Record + Reason 4.0 (both applications are required).
Many thanks to my friends who contributed to this package. The logo and graphics have been created by the team at Bitplant, and the loop library includes content from Loopmasters, GW Childs, Goh Nakamura, and drummer, Tim Bulkley.
The main features of CycleOn include Tempo Synchronized Loop Playback; crossfading between two loops; auto-synchronized start and stop; loop start re-triggering effects; delay based audio juggling; a dual stage beat repeater effect; and one-click effect initiator buttons. The controls are programmed for use in a live situation, and when used in conjunction with a control surface, CycleOn patches form the foundation of a compelling performance piece.
YouTube Video Demonstration
Control Overview
The CycleOn combinator is a formatted around the same general controls, which are described in detail below:
Button 1 - Loop On: When the Record transport is playing, this button enables and disables loop playback. When the button is enabled, the loop will start at the beginning of the next measure. When the button is disabled, the loop will stop at the end of the current measure.
Button 2 - Delay/Juggle: For patches designated as “delay,” this button switches a fixed delay in and out of the circuit. The delay can be toggled on and off quickly to generate beat shifting effects. With the “Juggle” assignment, the button is a momentary control that initiates the delay for a set period. One-Click effect juggling initiates regardless of the button on/off state.
Button 3 - x Step Repeat: This is a One-Click effect initiator, which enables the beat repeat for a defined period. It does not matter if the button is on or off, the effect will be initiated once it has been clicked. Most of the patches are programmed for a 4 Step Repeat effect which is enabled precisely at a quarter note division.
Button 4 - MS - Steps: This controls the beat repeater resolution. With “BR5” patches, this button switches between two sets of delays - one delay pair is set to millisecond mode and the other pair is set to step mode. “BR4” patches will switch the unit mode on a single delay pair.
Rotary 1 - Fader/Fader-Morph: Level control that crossfades between audio signals from the two loop sources. When designated with the label “Fader-Morph”, the rotary controls a pitch modulation between the two REX loops which adds the illusion of the loop speed increasing or decreasing.
Rotary 2 - Trigger Pattern: A selector control that changes the re-trigger pattern driver. Zero setting is the standard single trigger position. The patches have 9 different patterns which increase in complexity as the selector value increases.
Rotary 3 - Beat Repeat: This control can be used to manually fade in a beat repeat effect. The best result is achieved by quickly raising the value from 0 to 127. This control is modulated by the momentary button matrix assigned to Button 3: Step Repeat.
Rotary 4 - Repeat Interval: Controls the duration of the Beat Repeater segment depending on the state of Button 4 MS - Steps. In MS mode the Beat Repeater time is a value between 20 ms and 256 ms (range varies). In “Steps” mode, the beat repeater is synchronized to the tempo and ranges from 1 to 4 steps. One step is a 1/16th note.
Pitch Bend: Pitch Wheel modulation of the Dr. REX Loop players.
Mod Wheel: Alternative control for the crossfader, except with Filter patches.
Keyboard: Notes in the Range of C-2 to C0 transpose the Dr.REX loop players.
CycleOn Templates
Included in the Refill package are templates for customizing your own CycleOn patches. The documentation details the differences between each of the templates and includes some tips and tricks for programming. These are quite easy to use. All that is necessary is to open the combi patch and load Recycle loops into each of the REX Loop players.
There is also a CycleOn Audio Track combinator which is configured to process two external stereo audio sources like Record Audio Tracks. This allows you to apply synchronized muting, juggling and beat repeat effects to recorded or even live audio tracks.
Rotary CV System combinators are also located in the CycleOn Templates folder. These are CV generator patches which can be used as general CV unipolar sources which can be used to route a single rotary control to multiple destinations. For example, one rotary control can be used to modulate the crossfader of multiple CycleOn patches. An example Record Session file and documentation are provided in the package.
The Peff 035 - CycleOn Combinator Refill is available for free to all Propellerhead Record+Reason users through the Propellerhead Software website.
CycleOn Documentation Download
CycleOn for Reason
The Peff 035x - CycleOn Combinator for Reason Refill is a smaller version with fewer loops and presets. Please note that the Bitplant backdrop graphic does not work perfectly in Reason because of the text rendering contrast. Also, the patches use several instances of Thor which may tax an older PowerPC system. CycleOn works fine on a dual-core intel, but may not work on a G4 or G5. If you are interested in acquiring a license (single-user, multi-user, or developer distribution license) for the CycleOn for Reason refill, please see this page.
March 2nd, 2010 at 7:29 pm
Fantastic. It’s already available on the propheads site. Can’t thank you enough for putting in the time to do this work and share it.
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:20 am
Well, thanks to my friends for their help, it didn’t take too much time. Does it live up to your expectations?
May 19th, 2010 at 12:16 pm
Sorry I missed your comment a couple of months back. Yes - absolutely lived up to my expectations. I did a track here - using the combinator.
Has a bunch of mixing issues - sound levels are off etc. - and I probably over-used the stutter effect, but it was a terrific exercise in understand what the heck is going on behind the scenes.
Thanks again for sharing this one.
May 28th, 2010 at 4:40 am
really cool!
I shall take time to understand your mind of the routes design.
btw, the .CMB file in this refill is only for Record? My Reason 4 can’t read it.